Friday, September 2, 2011

Shmuck kontor???

Dear Imaginary Friends,

What is this, a shmuckkontor, in Koblenz, Germany, you might ask? It means jewelry store in German. AH, the charming language that trips off the tongue so delightfully.

Here is another word I love: Shnell. It means, hurry up.
German Frau Mutter to imaginary children: Shnell, kinder, und eat dat wurst!

Only one problem: there are no children in Germany. Apparently, Germany is too expensive in which to raise children, and all couples work. Therefore, the Deutsch govt. tries to bribe families to produce der kinder. But to no avail. Two hundred fifty euros per year is not sufficient bribe. Maybe the govt. should throw in a BMW? The birth rate is a sad little .8%. We saw no kids in Germany. On the other hand, Prague was chock full of them. Strollers everywhere and mommies smiling.

Another German word I like: kindergarten. It means children in the garden. Just as we raise and tenderly cultivate our children, so are the flowers. They grow if tended.

Which leads me to a pic of the Bund flower show:
Your traveler,

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